Unleashing Adventure: 3 Unique and Exciting Pre-Made Characters for Your Next D&D Campaign

We're thrilled to present three unique pre-made characters that are guaranteed to add excitement and depth to your next D&D campaign, whether they are playable or NPCs. Get ready to meet Erevan Shadowstep, Morrigan the Stormcaller, and Thorgar Ironfist – three extraordinary adventurers with their own captivating stories and formidable skills. Whether you're a Dungeon Master seeking intriguing NPCs or a player looking for an inspiring character to embody, these pre-made characters are sure to ignite your imagination and take your campaign to new heights.

Now, let's dive into the intriguing backgrounds and abilities of these remarkable heroes.

Erevan Shadowstep: The Enigmatic Shadowdancer

  • Erevan Shadowstep was born in the bustling city of Waterdeep to a human mother and an elven father. From a young age, he had an uncanny knack for blending into the shadows and moving with a quietness that seemed almost unnatural. His parents, both merchants, didn't fully understand Erevan's peculiar talents, but they tried their best to provide for him.

    Erevan's life changed drastically when he stumbled upon a thieves' guild operation, an event that set him on the path to becoming a rogue. At the age of 15, Erevan was taken under the wing of an aging rogue named Threnn, who saw potential in the young half-elf's quick fingers and knack for staying unnoticed. Under Threnn's guidance, Erevan honed his abilities, learning not only the art of thievery but also the ways of the Shadowdancer, a mysterious group of rogues who mastered the control of shadows to their advantage. Erevan quickly rose through the ranks, earning his moniker "Shadowstep" due to his impressive shadow-dancing abilities.

    After years of living in the underbelly of Waterdeep, Erevan eventually decided to step away from the life of thievery. A heist gone wrong had led to Threnn's death, causing Erevan to question the path he'd chosen. He left Waterdeep behind, opting instead to use his skills to help those who couldn't help themselves. From the shadows, Erevan manipulates events to protect the innocent, stepping into the light only when absolutely necessary. Despite leaving his old life behind, he's always on the move, as his past often catches up to him in the form of old rivals or bounty hunters eager to claim the price on his head.

  • Armor Class: 17 (Studded Leather)

    Hit Points: 105 (15d8+30)

    Speed: 30 ft.

    Ability Scores:

    STR: 10 (+0)

    DEX: 20 (+5)

    CON: 14 (+2)

    INT: 14 (+2)

    WIS: 12 (+1)

    CHA: 16 (+3)

    Saving Throws:

    DEX: +10

    INT: +7


    Acrobatics +10

    Deception +8

    Perception +6

    Stealth +15

    Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16

    Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant

    Challenge: 15 (13,000 XP)

    Racial Traits:

    Fey Ancestry

    Skill Versatility (Acrobatics and Deception)

    Class Features:

    Expertise: Stealth, Perception, Thieves' Tools, Deception

    Sneak Attack (8d6): Deals extra damage to one attacked creature per turn

    Uncanny Dodge: Halves damage from attacks

    Evasion: Takes no damage on successful Dexterity saving throws

    Shadow Jump: Teleports up to 60 feet to unoccupied spaces in dim light or darkness


    Alert: Cannot be surprised, no advantage on unseen attacks

    Mobile: Increased speed and avoids opportunity attacks


    Multiattack: Erevan makes two attacks with his shortswords.


    Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target

    Hit: 7 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage

    Bonus Actions

    Offhand Shortsword:

    Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target

    Hit: 5 (1d6) piercing damageDescription text goes here

Morrigan the Stormcaller: The Sea's Fury

  • Morrigan the Stormcaller, a sea elf hailing from the Sea of Fallen Stars, has dedicated her life to the preservation of the seas and coasts of Faerun. From a young age, she felt a profound connection to the natural world, particularly the power and chaos of the sea. In her coastal village, she would often be found standing at the edge of the water during storms, reveling in the thunder and lightning that danced across the sky. It was no surprise that she earned the name "Stormcaller" for her uncanny ability to predict and seemingly summon storms.

    As Morrigan grew older, her bond with the natural elements deepened. She sought the guidance of the village's druid, who recognized her potential and trained her in the ways of the Circle of the Land (Coast). Under her mentor's tutelage, Morrigan learned to harness the power of water and the resilience of coastal creatures. Her magical abilities flourished, allowing her to summon gusts of wind, command lightning, and manipulate the very waters themselves. Within her village, she became a respected and feared figure, known for her fierce dedication to protecting the home she loved.

    However, Morrigan's adventurous spirit and thirst for knowledge led her to venture beyond her village. She set out on a quest to explore the world and confront the unnatural threats that plagued the seas. Her journey brought her face-to-face with monstrous beasts, allowed her to save towns from disaster, and thrust her into complex social and political conflicts. Through it all, Morrigan remained unwavering, her determination as relentless as the storm she holds dear. Her presence leaves a lasting impression, much like the storm leaves its mark upon the shore.es here

  • Armor Class: 16 (Natural Armor)

    Hit Points: 115 (15d8+45)

    Speed: 30 ft.

    Ability Scores:

    STR: 10 (+0)

    DEX: 14 (+2)

    CON: 16 (+3)

    INT: 12 (+1)

    WIS: 20 (+5)

    CHA: 12 (+1)

    Saving Throws:

    INT: +6

    WIS: +10


    Nature +

    Survival +10

    Perception +10

    Senses: Passive Perception 20

    Languages: Common, Druidic, Primordial

    Challenge: 15 (13,000 XP)

    Racial Traits:



    Class Features:

    Druid Circle: Circle of the Land (Coast) – Mastery over water-themed spells

    Wild Shape (2/day) – Transform into beasts she has seen before

    Natural Recovery – Regain magical energy through meditation


    War Caster – Improved spellcasting in combat, advantage on concentration saves

    Resilient (Constitution) – Increased Constitution, proficiency in Constitution saving throws

Thorgar Ironfist: The Unstoppable Battlerager

  • Thorgar Ironfist, a dwarf from the esteemed Mithral Hall, carries his name as a symbol of honor earned through countless battles. Born into a family of skilled smiths, Thorgar was expected to follow in their footsteps. However, his restless heart and thirst for adventure led him down a different path. Fascinated by the tales of legendary warriors who once graced the halls of Mithral Hall, he yearned for a life of battle and glory, aspiring to become a tale told to inspire future generations. With determination burning in his soul, he embarked on a journey to become one of the most formidable warriors of his time.

    Thorgar's path to becoming a renowned Barbarian/Battlerager was not without challenges. In his early days, impatience and frustration often got the better of him, leading to numerous skirmishes and duels. However, one particular duel changed the course of his life. He encountered an older dwarf, a seasoned battlerager, who saw potential in the fiery young Thorgar. Recognizing the need for guidance, the battlerager took Thorgar under his wing, teaching him to channel his rage into a force both powerful and controlled. Through rigorous training and countless fights, Thorgar earned his place among the battleragers, and his name, Ironfist, became a symbol of his indomitable spirit.

    After proving himself within the halls of Mithral Hall, Thorgar felt the pull of the outside world. With the blessing of his mentor, he set out to explore new horizons and put his skills to the ultimate test. His travels across Faerun quickly became the stuff of legends, with tales of his ferocity in battle echoing in the taverns and inns he passed. Despite his fearsome reputation, Thorgar also holds a deep respect for the balance of life and defends those who cannot defend themselves. His booming laughter and larger-than-life stories make him a welcome companion around a campfire. But when the drums of war sound, Thorgar Ironfist is a sight to behold – a true force of nature.t goes here

  • Armor Class: 18 (Constitution Modifier + Dwarven Plate Armor)

    Hit Points: 165 (15d12+45)

    Speed: 25 ft.

    Ability Scores:

    STR: 20 (+5)

    DEX: 14 (+2)

    CON: 16 (+3)

    INT: 8 (-1)

    WIS: 12 (+1)

    CHA: 10 (+0)

    Saving Throws:

    STR: +10

    CON: +8


    Athletics +10

    Intimidation +5

    Survival +6

    Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

    Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

    Languages: Common, Dwarvish

    Challenge: 15 (13,000 XP)

    Racial Traits:


    Dwarven Resilience


    Class Features:

    Rage (5/day) – Increased damage, resistance to certain types of damage, and temporary hit points

    Reckless Attack – Advantage on melee weapon attack rolls

    Battlerager Armor – Bonus attack against a grappled creature while raging

    Danger Sense – Advantage on Dexterity saving throws against visible effects


    Great Weapon Master – Bonus action attack on a critical hit or reducing a creature to 0 HP, the penalty for increased damage

    Tough: Thorgar's hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice his level when he gains this feat. Whenever he gains a level thereafter, his hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points.

    Sentinel: When Thorgar hits a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from Thorgar even if they take the Disengage action before leaving his reach, and when a creature within his reach makes an attack against a target other than him, he can use his reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.

In this post, we introduced you to three unique pre-made characters for your next D&D campaign: Erevan Shadowstep, Morrigan the Stormcaller, and Thorgar Ironfist. Each character brings their own compelling backstory, abilities, and skills to the table, offering endless possibilities for immersive storytelling and exciting gameplay.

Erevan Shadowstep, the enigmatic Rogue/Shadowdancer, intrigues with his shadow manipulation and stealthy expertise. Morrigan the Stormcaller, a powerful Circle of the Land (Coast) Druid, harnesses the forces of the sea and commands the very elements. Thorgar Ironfist, the unstoppable Barbarian/Battlerager, embodies relentless courage and legendary rage in the heat of battle.

These pre-made characters have the potential to greatly impact your D&D campaign, whether you're a Dungeon Master seeking intriguing NPCs to challenge your players or a player looking for an inspiring character to embody. Their rich backstories, unique abilities, and compelling personalities can breathe life into any adventure.

But the excitement doesn't stop here! If you're hungry for more D&D homebrew content, we invite you to visit our Etsy store: InkedInsight Etsy Store. There, you'll discover a treasure trove of incredible D&D homebrew content, including additional characters, custom campaigns, and unique items to enhance your gaming experience.

So, whether you choose to embark on an adventure with Erevan Shadowstep, Morrigan the Stormcaller, or Thorgar Ironfist, or explore the vast offerings in our Etsy store, we encourage you to unleash your imagination and let the world of Dungeons & Dragons come alive.

Happy gaming!


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